New Pokemon Snap has been released finally for fans, the original Pokemon game was released 20 years ago, and this new version of the Pokemon game has the same feel as the original one, but with a fresh coat of paint and some new faces. New Pokemon Snap has outsold the original by massive margins in some places of the world. Players will be asked to complete various photo requests that require hunting down one or more unique Pokemon same as the original game. Some of these requests can be difficult to complete, as you will have to find Pokemon…
Author: GIStaff
New Pokemon Snap is released for Nintendo Switch and developers have kept a lot of secrets and Easter eggs hidden inside the game in its new Lental region just like the original game. Some of these secrets are the same as the Original Pokemon Snap and some of them are unusual experiences and you will have to meet the game’s minimum requirement to get them. You should try and encounter these moments yourself while playing the game if you don’t want any spoilers. If you don’t care about spoilers and want to find some cool secrets that you can get…
New Pokemon Snap has been released for Nintendo switch and players can now embark on a journey through the Lental Region to find various Pokemon and take snaps of them in their natural habitat. In New Pokemon Snap players need to reach certain Research levels to complete different requests. In this guide, we will tell you how you can quickly raise your Research level in New Pokemon Snap. How To Reach Max Research Level In New Pokémon Snap You can raise your Research level quickly by doing all the below-mentioned things: The first thing you can do to raise your…
In New Pokemon Snap, there are six Illumina Pokemon hidden throughout the game and they are the real stars of the show from a narrative perspective. However, players are paying more attention to the Legendary Pokemon and the cutest Pokemon in the game. In New Pokemon Snap’s story, these Lental region guardians play important roles, but finding them in the game isn’t easy although they are in the spotlight. In reality, there’s a good chance that you won’t even know that some of them exist when you are getting through New Pokemon Snap. So in this guide, we will tell…
In Pokemon history, Eeveelutions are iconic figures but many people focus on the starters, such as Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur. There’s no Eeveelution yet that anyone has looked at and said “nope” from the original designs like Vaporeon to more recent variations on the formula like Sylveon. Luckily in New Pokemon Snap, the Eeveelutions are included but you can’t find them easily. So that’s why we have made a detailed guide for you so that you can find each and every Eeveelution in New Pokemon Snap. In this guide, we will tell you the locations of every Eeveelution so that…
In New Pokemon Snap there are several things to explore and discover. Alternate routes such as one in Founja Jungle that takes you behind the large waterfall near the end of the course is one of these exciting things that players can explore in New Pokemon Snap. In this guide, we will tell you how to find this alternate route so that you can get behind the waterfall and take some incredible shots. How to Get Behind the Waterfall In New Pokémon Snap There’s an alternate route in the night version of the Founja Jungle course, that will take you…
PUBG update version 1.68 patch 11.2 brings in the first survivor pass of this season, Pajama Party, and has plenty of bug fixes as seen in the patch notes. Survivor Pass: Pajama Party, the first Survivor Pass of the season, has arrived! As you advance through the pass, check out all of the slumber party-themed perks, as well as a slew of new missions to complete. Both of Erangel’s landmark bridges are undergoing renovations, giving you more options for mounting your attack or establishing defenses. Many who enjoy pitching a tent and setting up a bridge camp (you know who…
Housemarque has released a quick hotfix for Returnal today patching the game to version 01.003.004. The patch notes can be seen here. As per Housemarque, this update is recommended for those who had their save data corrupted. While it won’t guarantee that the save data will recover, any issues that the players had before the new update would be resolved. If you are still having issues with the game locking you out in a room, Housemarque has the following solution. If you are using a pre-order suit: Enter the pause menu and select “Restart your run”. (Your run will be…
Returnal has been updated to version 1.003 today on May 5 for PS5. The official patch version listed by Housemarque is 1.3.3. Here are the patch notes. This patch addresses an issue with some trophies that were not unlocking before. While this fixes the issue, the trophies have to be unlocked again by fulfilling their requirements in case they glitched out for you. Other issues that were resolved include pre-order suits blocking doors and item collection. Get the details on the patch notes below. Returnal Update 01.003 Patch Notes 1.3.3 Fixed an issue where certain Trophies might not unlock under…
Destruction AllStars was updated to version 02.000 today on May 5. The patch notes for this update on PS5 can be seen below. This update marks the start of the first season, Hotshots. The new additions for this season include a new Allstar, Alba. There are two different tiers for learning cosmetic rewards. One is the free tire while the other is a premium tier. Destruction points are required for the premium tier that can be acquired by complete matches, doing challenges, and so on. Get the details on this new Destruction Allstars update below. Destruction AllStars Update 02.000 Patch…