Genshin Impact was updated to version 1.51 today on PS4 and PS5. The full details on what is included in this update in addition to patch notes can be seen here. MioHoYo has just updated Genshin Impact to add a ton of new content for the game. This ranges from new quests to new areas and much more. The game is also playable on the PS5 now with a native version released along with the 1.5 update. After the last patch, there was a small stability hotfix released today by MiHoYo Genshin Impact Update 1.51 Patch Notes Improves game stability…
Author: GIStaff
Microsoft might be working on a Mandalorian game in addition to Indiana Jones from Machine Games according to a new rumor. Mandalorian is one of the hottest TV shows on Disney Plus and its popularity already paves the way for someone to adapt it successfully in a video game. This shouldn’t be just limited to a Mandalorian but the scope of the game could cover Bounty Hunting in general. The first time this was implied was back in January when Jason Schreier, who is known in the industry for having sources and scope on undisclosed games, suggested that such a…
In Genshin Impact update 1.4, the first act of Noelle’s hangout event was released, and now the second act is introduced in update 1.5. Both acts of Noelle’s hangout events have six alternative endings, except the one where she completely abandons you. You must complete all endings in order to receive all of the rewards from Noelle’s hangout event. Each hangout requires two-story keys to unlock, but you can return to it any time after you unlock them. You can conveniently visit the hangout at any story checkpoint you have already unlocked to try following a different line. Noelle has…
The 1.5 update of Genshin Impact is here and players can now participate in the new hangout events. Diona’s and Noelle’s stories have been added to Genshin Impact update 1.5. Diana is the Cat’s Tail Tavern bartender. The sole purpose of the Katzlein in the industry is to destroy it. She is, however, gifted with the ability to make any dish delicious. In this guide, we will tell you how to get all the endings to Diona’s hangout in Genshin Impact update 1.5. How to Get all the Endings For Diona Hangout In Genshin Impact There are five different endings…
In Genshin Impact’s Serenitea Pot, Realm Currency is a unique currency that can be used to purchase items from Realm Depot. The procedure of collecting Realm currency is a little odd, so many players may be confused about how they can get Realm Currency. In this guide, we will tell you how you can find this brand new Currency in Genshin Impact. How To Get Genshin Impact Realm Currency: Players can get Realm Currency by speaking with Tubby the Teap Spirit and selecting “Trust Rank” from the Jar of Riches in Genshin Impact. If and Realm Currency has accrued, players…
In Genshin Impact if you are searching for various wood locations, it’s likely that you want to decorate your new realm. Housing is one of the highlights of the new Genshin Impact 1.5 update apart from the complete launch of new characters Yanfei and Eula. You can now decorate your own slice apart from Teyvat’s main world. The thing is, you will need some tasteful buildings and furnishing to make your own personal realm feel like home. You will need plenty of wood for that (or an increase in your Teapot Spirit Trust Rank). So in this guide, we will…
Genshin Impact’s players may be wondering where they can find more blueprints while leveling up their Trust rating and growing their Adeptal Energy in their Serenitea Pot realm. Many have already been sold in the Realm Depot. These, however, cost Realm Currency. You can still invest mora/gold to get a couple more. In this guide, we will tell you how to find the secret furnishing blueprint vendors for your Serenitea Pot home in Genshin Impact. Where To Find Genshin Impact Blueprints Tubby or and Serenitea Pot tooltip doesn’t even mention the two secret furnishing blueprint vendors in Genshin Impact. As…
Destiny 2 has been updated to version 2.17 today by Bungie for PC and consoles. The full patch notes for this update can be seen below. The patch addresses some minor issues that were observed in the game. This includes a fix for The Tower, and general gameplay, investment, and other minor fixes. You can get the patch notes for this new update below. Destiny 2 Update 2.17 Patch Notes ACTIVITIES The Tower Fixed an occasional crash that would result in a Calabrese error. GAMEPLAY AND INVESTMENT Armor Fixed an issue where the Titan Contender Eververse armor set would…
Amnesia Rebirth has been updated to version 1.30 bringing in a number of bug fixes and support for PS5. The full patch notes can be seen here. Amnesia Rebirth has been updated to add support for 60 FPS on the PS5. This patch comes with the addition of a new adventure mode that dramatically changes the way the game is meant to be played. It was released earlier this year on PC and has finally made its way to PS4. Amnesia Rebirth Update 1.30 Patch Notes Support for Adventure mode on PS4 Support for 60 FPS on PS5 Various bug…
Predator Hunting Grounds has been updated on PC and PS4 and the game is now available on Steam. Here are the complete patch notes for April 29 update. This update brings a new map, Airstrip. Other changes include new unlockable cosmetics, custom private match modifiers, predator specializations, and more. Another change that has been made in this patch is the availability of Norse Hammer at level 28. You can get the complete set of patch notes below. Predator Hunting Grounds Update 2.19 Patch Notes Free Update New Map – Airstrip Norse Hammer is now available at Level 28 New Predator Specializations (more info below) New Custom…