Author: GIStaff

Posts by our staff at GameInfinitus that serves to bring you the latest news around the world.

Oddworld Soulstorm was updated to version 1.08 today on PS4, PS5, and PC The full patch notes for this update can be seen here. This update adds new features like the ability to turn off the main HUD UI and badge alerts. Other changes include multiple fixes for the levels and crash-related fixes on the PS5. The full patch notes for this new Oddworld Soulstorm update 1.08 can be seen below. Oddworld Soulstorm Update 1.08 Patch Notes New features: Players can now turn off the main HUD UI in the Settings Players can now turn off the badge alerts in…

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Two Point Hospital was updated to version 1.11 today on April 28. The full patch notes for this update include several fixes as seen below. This patch addresses issues with the game crashing on consoles. While this update is out now for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, it is not yet live for the Nintendo Switch. The developers have promised that this patch will be released on the Switch as well but no timeline was given on when it will be out. The details on the new Two Point Hospital update can be seen in the patch notes below. Two Point…

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In Nier Replicant Remaster during Route B of the story, you will return to the Junk Heap area. In this guide, we will tell you about the mission area, and everything else you need to know about  Nier Replicant Act 2 The Junk Heap. How To Complete Nier Replicant The Junk Heap Begin Junk Heap by going straight to Gideon’s Forge and then to get Iron Will (Two-handed Sword) as a non-useable weapon, and the Basement 2 Passcode interact with him twice. Go into the Junk Heap factory and take the elevator to the basement on the east side to…

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In Nier Replicant, if you want to upgrade some of your weapons to level three and four you will need Rusted Clump. You will have to upgrade all of your weapons if you want to earn the platinum trophy. To get the necessary materials for weapon upgrades, you will need a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 rusted clumps. If you want to earn Forging Master achievement, you must upgrade 33 weapons. You can find these in the game, but there are five additional ones available via the 4 YoRHa DLC, as well as a hidden one for…

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Nier Replicant is a lengthy game with several side quests. For those who want to see as much of the game as possible, completing side quests will be a common pastime. Some players will be in a rush to complete quests to gain money to buy better weapons early on in the game. After you have seen what the first dungeon has to offer, there will be plenty of side questing to do. Players will have to collect Royal Ferns which is one of the quests they will encounter. In this guide, we will show you where to look for…

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In Nier Replicant, you will spend a lot of time going back and forth and gathering resources. Many of these resources are optional, but Titanium Alloy is a rare drop that you will have to locate many in order to progress the story.  You won’t have to collect Titanium Alloy until you return to The Junk Heap and meet Gideon of Two Brothers Weaponry for the second time. Gideon will ask you for some Titanium Alloy. On the other hand, players will need Titanium Alloy to upgrade Beastbain, which is one of the 30 weapons you will need to collect…

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In Nier Replicant, there is a lot of different fish, and several of them are at the core of Various side quests. For instance, players will have to catch Bream a fish to complete Part 4 of The Fisherman’s Gambit, but some fans are unsure where they will find it. Fortunately, you can easily find a suitable place for Bream fishing in Nier Replicant. How To Catch Bream In Nier Replicant If you want to catch Bream you will have to use Lures or Lugworms. You can buy both of these baits from the Tackle Shopkeeper in Seafront, for 100…

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In Fortnite, the latest Exotic Unstable Bow is now available. A new version 16.30 of Fortnite is released now, which includes the all-new Bow and a lot of new content to explore. In this guide, we have compiled everything you need to know about the new Unstable Bow, including how to obtain it in-game, and how effective it is. How To Get Unstable Bow In Fortnite In the most recent Fortnite update, v16.30 the Unstable Bow was introduced. It is the latest exotic weapon that fires a different form of arrow whenever you use it. Shoot Arrow, Shockwave Arrow, Grenade…

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Surviving Mars was updated to version 1.20 today on April 28. The full patch notes for this update can be seen in detail below. The update that was released today is available on PC and consoles. This is related to the Dome Buildings Pack DLC that had an issue with applying some of the upgrades. There are other fixes including in this update including for tourism award screen soft lock and more. Get the complete patch notes below. Surviving Mars Update 1.20 Patch Notes Version: 1001586 Fixed for In-Dome Buildings Pack DLC to apply Assistive Technology upgrades. Added a missing…

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Animal Crossing New Horizons was updated to version 1.10.0 today bringing in a number of fixes and improvements. Here are the full patch notes. The general additions in this update are related to May Day, International Museum Day, a “wedding season” events that have all been updated. There are now time-limited items available to purchase from Nook Shopping. Nintendo has also resolved a number of issues with the game as mentioned in the bug fixes. Animal Crossing New Horizons Update 1.10.0 Patch Notes General updates The May Day, International Museum Day, and “wedding season” seasonal events have been updated. It’s…

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