Author: GIStaff

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Your Returnal best weapons choices, aside from the starting gun are determined by the random level generation. Unfortunately, the best Returnal Weapons will not appear on every run. That’s just the nature of rogue-lites because you have to start from the beginning each time. So if you have the option of choosing between different Returnal weapons, make sure you choose the best Returnal Weapons. We have made a list below of all the Returnal’s best weapons, so just take a look at it. The Best Weapons In Returnal Tachyomatic Carbine: The Tachyomatic Carbine is the closest thing to an assault…

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Ixion is the boss that you have to defeat in Returnal. The first boss Phrike wasn’t very difficult to defeat, but Ixion is a completely different beast. The battle with the Ixion boss takes place at the Crimson Wastes’ summit in Returnal. The battle with Returnal’s second boss is extremely difficult as it remains almost entirely airborne, especially since you can’t harm it at all during some phases. How To Defeat Ixion In Returnal Tachyomatic Carbine is the only weapon that you should bring into the battle with Returnal’s Ixion boss. As Ixion stays away from you mostly so the…

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We have made a list of all the LenTalk Requests in New Pokémon Snap. In this guide, you can find all requests along with their reward. New Pokémon Snap LenTalk Requests: Below you will find all the details of the LenTalk requests organized based on level and period of the day. Park (Day) Requests: Request Description Reward One-Hand Freeze Capture a photo of Grookey when it does a one-armed handstand. Professor Mirror’s Goggles profile icon Three Friends among Flowers Send a Fluffruit near Pichu and take a photo of Scorbunny at the Crystalbloom. Make sure they are laughing. None Swanna-be…

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If you want to complete the Meganium’s Pal request you will need a 4-star pose snap and for that, you will need an Illumina Orb. How To Get Illumina Orbs You will have to take a snap of Crystalbloom in order to get Illumina Orbs. In Belusylva, go to Founja Jungle (Night). At the end of the jungle, you will find yellow sparkling Crystalbloom on your right-hand side. Complete the Jungle (Night) level and present Professor Mirror with the Crystalbloom picture. He will then give you Illumina Orbs. How To Complete Meganium’s Pal Request In New Pokémon Snap In Florio…

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In Returnal players have a few permanent things to survive while dodging hundreds of bullets between playthroughs. You will be rewarded with adrenaline boosters if you can keep your kill count up without getting hurt. In this guide, we will tell you how the adrenaline system works, how you can raise your adrenaline level, and describe the benefits you can expect if you manage to avoid taking injury in Returnal. Returnal Adrenaline Explained Returnal has an adrenaline system that rewards you for beating several enemies without being hit. This is how the in-game tutorial describes it: “Your Andrenaline level is…

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Players who are playing video games for a long time have embedded in their minds to always save before leaving, so many players are wondering that how they can do the same with Returnal. The answer to this question is that the game can’t be saved manually, but that doesn’t mean that the player’s progress will be lost any time the game is closed. Players can save the game process in two main ways. Returnal only has a few things that carry over from cycle to cycle due to its rogue-lite nature. Atropian Blade and the like are certain weapons…

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Battlefield 6 screenshots have managed to leak online ahead of the official announcement. These screens match the earlier leaked info from the game. Battlefield 6 has been heavily rumored for a while now. The next game in the series has also been teased by EA. It is supposed to be the next evolutionary step in the series. While EA hasn’t shared any official trailer, two new screenshots were posted by someone on a now-deleted Imgur album. These screenshots were confirmed by Tom Henderson, who was the source of leaks previously for the Battlefield series. One of the screenshots matches an…

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In Returnal there are many odd objects and gadgets, and Reconstructor is one of them. Reconstructor resembles anything from a Ridley Scott or Junji to a horror film. However, it can be one of the most valuable tools if you know what it does.  In this guide, we will tell you how to use Reconstructor, where to find it, and what are the benefits to use it in Returnal. How To Use Reconstructor In Returnal There are two types of doors in Returnal: rectangular doors for the main route and triangular doors for optional rooms. You can find a variety…

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The Reclaimer is yet another strange piece of alien technology in Returnal, along with much other alien technology such as the Reconstructor. The definition of this red bed is unclear, and its red lights seem to be a warning sign. In this guide, we will tell you what Reclaimers do in Returnal. Returnal Reclaimer Explained Returnal’s Reclaimers deplete the player’s health in exchange for a random object or piece of equipment. It says in the description that it “can damage the integrity,” but it always seems to damage Selene.  It often takes a significant amount of wellbeing away, but the…

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In Returnal you may have seen orange lights and floating orbs in the first two biomes during its early stages. If you want to make use of these you will have to wait until you get the grappling hook. In this guide, we will show you how to obtain the grappling hook, gain entry to the second biome in Returnal. How to Get to the Second Biome? You must have access to the Crimson Gate to reach the second biome. You must defeat the game’s initial boss. You will receive the Crimson Key after you defeat Phirke, which will stay…

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