Author: Emil John

Emil John is an experienced journalist and reviewer, known for his detailed coverage of the latest news and insightful reviews.

The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes game length is not that long since it is mostly a story-driven game. Find out how long it will take to beat the game. HOUSE OF ASHES is an interactive drama survival horror video game with single-player and multiplayer modes. It was released on October 22, 2021. What Is The Game Length of House of Ashes Almost around six hours are required to beat The House Of Ashes but it wholly depends on you to either complete It all in one go or split it into three acts. You can play it over three…

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Is there crossplay in The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes? What about cross-platform progression? Find out about it in this guide. House Of Ashes is a third installment in the Dark Pictures Anthology series. It is a horror-drama video game released on October 22, 2021. Can We Use Crossplay In House of Ashes? Co-Op Multiplayer option:  There is an option of a two-player cooperation mode in the House Of Ashes, so you can pick a game partner with any of your friends to take control of characters in a game. Plus if you don’t wanna play it alone you can…

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The Long Drop Treasure puzzle is another hunt in Far Cry 6. You can find out the details about it in this guide. While exploring the island of Yara we have already traveled over many regions in pursuit of hidden treasures and in doing so we have honed our military skills. Long Drop Treasure puzzle is carried out in the sub-region of La Joya, Region: El Este with the main objective to reach the hidden stash (150 Guerrilla XP, Excavation Execution) Shotgun. How To Complete The Long Drop Treasure Hunt In Far Cry 6 To complete a Long Drop Treasure Hunt…

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Liquid Courage Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6 will lead to some nice rewards. Find out how to complete it in this guide. LOCATION: Region Volle De Ore, Noventarmas sub-region, and District Del Toro Port. TREASURE: UNIQUE ROCKET LAUNCHER 150 XP, INTO ORBIT. How To Complete Liquid Courage Hunt In Far Cry 6 TASK: Unscrewing four valves.  After unscrewing the first three valves will enable 3 red signal lights to green lights, only then you can use the 4th valve. Location of valves: First valve: Right corner of the room next to the door. Second valve: Left corner of the same…

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The Oil Rig Puzzle in Far Cry 6 is a quest for a secret stash impressively unique  (Supercharge Shotgun) inside a shipping container. Area: Northwest of the Aguas Lindas map. On zooming the map you’ll find Juan’s Arms Dealer which is a vehicle picking up a point. Location of container: Upper left-hand portion of the map is a Blue cargo container that is holding treasure inside. How To Solve Oil Rig Puzzle In Far Cry 6 Task: To solve the oil rig puzzle you’ll have to spot a blue container that is blocked by another container at its entrance so…

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New World comes as Amazon attempts to reshape the MMO world, offering a different experience compared to titles like Final Fantasy 14 and World of Warcraft. Unfortunately, the long queues might slow players’ progression a little bit, but there are lots of reasons to keep trying.  The new game from Amazon offers deep combat, with a more helpful crafting system compared to its competitors. That means seasoned MMO players might feel a bit overwhelmed by the pace of the game. Here are five things that every beginner needs to know before getting started on New World. Familiarize Yourself with the…

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The Rising Tide Puzzle can be difficult to solve in Far Cry 6. You can find out the solution to everything in this guide. Reward: By The End Of Treasure Hunt will be ‘Camo Quincenanera’ Rifle Location: Yarabi coast, southern corner of Robustas Hills. How To Solve Rising Tide Puzzle In Far Cry 6 Now to solve A Rising Tide Puzzle you will need to spot a house with a boat “El Tigre del mar”  parking next to the stairs. Go straight up and open the door to the house. Once inside you’ll observe a switch to a secret stash…

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Wide Beam is one of the many abilities for Samus in Metroid Dread. Find out how to unlock it in this guide. Wide Beam is the finest upgrade for Samus in Metroid Dread. It is a gadget that is a laser that fires three energy shots at once. Samus will use it against her enemies and objects, pushing wide beam doors, making it easy for Samus to enter places that were once inaccessible.  How To Unlock Wide Beam In Metroid Dread This task requires you to take a trip towards the Dairon area, where you will go through dark areas,…

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You might believe that Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5) is all about robbing banks and driving way above the speed limit. Running people over also seems to happen a great deal, but there are other reasons to play GTA 5. One reason is the Diamond Casino & Resort. After all, you can’t spend all your time robbing banks, can you (many of the GTA patches seem to include some new heist or other)? You need some time to relax, so a visit to the casino is a great idea. The casino opened two years ago in the online version…

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