Star Wars Jedi: Survival – Enemy Bug

In this article, we will talk about the most irritating issue of the enemy bug recently recognized in Star Wars Jedi: Survival.

It is normal to encounter bugs in newly launched games, however, bugs that completely ruin your XP are annoying. Enemy Bug is the recently discovered bug, that gets too frustrating for the players to lose their XP completely. It will happen right after killing a certain enemy.

Enemy Bug In Star Wars Jedi: Survival

The enemy that will cause its players to lose the XP is Mogu Troll. Players will find it on the planet Koboh. However, some of the players have mentioned that it doesn’t really happen with all of the Mogu trolls found throughout the planet. This news makes players happy and gives them a sense of relief that it’s not a major issue and will be fixed soon.

The most head-stretching thing about this bug is players, losing all of their XP upon death while going to the next level. The opponent that most recently killed the player has XP stored on them, and much like in the first game, it can be hit once to regain it. The loss of a lot of XP when a player is very close to the next level might be problematic later on when the difficulty increases, especially if the player is not where they should be.

The bug has not yet been resolved however, we hope that the issue will be solved soon. Despite some major issues and bugs like this, the game is still a success. Players are still playing it with all their hearts. Since the game has come after 5 years of its prequel, the main character of the game, Cal has become a promising protagonist.

We hope that this bug will be resolved soon and players would stop losing their XP. The game is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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