The Legend of Heroes: Zero No Kiseki Kai has been updated today on PC. You can find out the complete…
Browsing: nihon falcom
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV has been updated today on PC. You can find out the…
Ys IX Monstrum Nox has been updated on PS4. Falcom has patched the game to version 1.02 and added support…
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV was updated to version 1.02 today. You can find out the…
Ys IX Monstrum Nox is an action role-playing game and it is developed by Nihon Falcom. It was released in…
While playing Several Ys IX: Monstrum Nox you will come across several recipes that you can give the bartenders at…
Nihon Falcom has confirmed that the Trails series has now shipped 5 million copies sold. This is up more than…