Live A Live Best Character: Which One To Pick For Final Chapter

If you are wondering which character to pick for the final chapter of Live A Live, or which one of them is best then check out this guide.

You may use this guide to help you select the ideal protagonist for your final Live A Live chapter. You must first complete eight game scenarios with no restrictions on whatever character you can choose to get to the game’s final chapter. But it is preferable to pick the one that best matches the circumstance. Which one works best for the last chapter will be addressed below.

Best Character In Live A Live

There are several things you need to be aware of in advance before making your choice.

  • Once you have selected a character, you can not change it throughout the chapter. So choose wisely.
  • Others that you have not selected will be recruited.
  • If you choose Oersted for the final chapter, it will change the circumstances specifically.

Every character has advantages and disadvantages, therefore we’ve outlined them in the table below to guide your decision-making.


  • It has a High HP
  • Has good attacking power
  • Lacks healing moves


  • Appears to be the strongest
  • He’s a great pick if Lei and Hong are trained alone
  • Not a good pick if Yum was chosen and trained.


  • Good attacking strategy
  • Long-range moves
  • Isn’t too good at defending

Sundown Kid

  • Has a good level 16 ability
  • Not easily called up
  • As weak stats

Masaru Takahara

  • Good physical attacks
  • Can easily acquire the widest pool of moves


  • Best at Healing
  • Has a mind-reading ability


  • It also possesses a healing ability
  • You can upgrade it with robot parts


  • Choosing him will dramatically change the final chapter of the game
  • This character introduces a second ending to the game.

Now considering all these points you can make a wise choice in selecting a character for your final chapter of the game.

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