Bugsnax has been updated to version 2.06 today by Young Horses. You can get the complete patch notes for this update from here.
The new update for the game has implemented a number of bug fixes for the game including bugs related to a few specific boss fights as well as several gameplay and progression bugs. Take a look at the complete set of changes with the patch notes shared below.
Bugsnax Update 2.06 Patch Notes
- Fixed Chandlo getting stuck in final phase of Mama Mewon.
- Improved Daddy Cakelegs candle lighting.
- Restored speed run path we accidentally patched out in version 2.01.
- Fixed Cheddorb spawning during boss replay.
- Fix Triffany talking to nobody when Floofty isn’t around.
- Ensured Broken Tooth time trial flare is visible if quest is active.
- Bugsnax frozen and punted by Scoopy Banoopy should properly be encased in ice instead of falling into a void.
- Mothza Supreme tornadoes no longer turn black when Mothza Supreme is sauced.
- Improved Lollive and Tikkada Masala getting stuck while carrying objects.
- Added a blocker to prevent Chandlo from trying to walk into the wall forever when he has to poop.
- Fixed Cellystix and Cheddaboardle Rex from being catchable while giant.
- Fixed Triffany Broken Tooth quests where quest dialogue would become unavailable on level restart.
- Limited display of barn inventory to one Bugsnak per type.
- Improved Snak Grappler
- Added contingency for Snorpy not reaching his spot in Major Celebration.
- Fixed Cheddorb respawn issue and improved Cheddorb movement/forces.
- Improved Buggy Ball to prevent spinning in a circle forever if retargeting or clearing autopilot.
- Fixed rendering issue with frozen Pinkle.
- Improved Falling mail challenge.
- Fixed collision issues allowing you to leave level while in The Intruder sequence.