Naoki Hamaguchi, the director of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, revealed that the team initially considered adding a DLC episode to the game’s PC version. However, they decided to prioritize developing the project’s final installment. Speaking candidly, Hamaguchi said, “We did have the desire to add an episodic story as a new DLC to the PC version,” but limited resources forced the team to focus on finishing Part 3 as quickly as possible.
Hamaguchi emphasized that delivering a satisfying conclusion to the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy remains the studio’s highest priority. However, he left the door open for future additions, saying, “If we receive strong requests from players after the release regarding certain matters, we would like to consider them.” This suggests that while DLC is currently off the table, player feedback could influence decisions post-launch.
Additionally, Hamaguchi addressed the PC modding community, which has become an integral part of PC gaming culture. He expressed both appreciation and caution, stating, “We respect the creativity of the modding community and welcome their creations—though we ask modders not to create or install anything offensive or inappropriate.” Hamaguchi is likely referring to the “nude” mods that often appear for most games. Although they are usually harmless, Japanese developers are more strict in this regard and prefer their creations to remain untouched.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will launch on PC on January 23, 2025, and is already available on PS5.