Author: GIStaff

Posts by our staff at GameInfinitus that serves to bring you the latest news around the world.

In Outriders, the Plague Sower Set is a Legendary Armor Set. There are several pieces of Armor in Armor Sets, each piece has its own set of stats such as Armor, Anomaly, Power, Cooldown Reduction, Max Health, Damage Output, and more. Players get a special buff known as Set Bonus when they equip 3 or more pieces of armor from the same set. Players can equip and match armor pieces from different sets, but you must use pieces from the same set to trigger Set Bonuses. Plague Sower Set Information: Rarity: Legendary Set Bonus: Plague Sower 3-Piece Bonus: Upon applying…

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In Outriders expeditions are the main endgame activity. Expeditions are timed missions in which you will have to complete several objective rooms along with your friends before reaching the drop pod, either by killing all the enemies or standing on a capture point. You can win a gold, silver, or bronze medal depending on how fast you run. If you don’t finish it in time, you will get a smaller chest of loot. Different medals have different amounts of loot, such as if you get gold on an Expedition you will have a higher chance to get Legendaries. In this…

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In Outriders several players are experiencing the “Outriders Detour bug,” while on a simple quest, which is preventing them from progressing. When it comes to bugs, even the best-executed game can have a few. Even though the game developers thoroughly test their games properly, minor bugs and glitches can still occur. The “Outriders Detour bug” is simple in nature and the players don’t lose anything in their storyline of the game due to this bug. How To Fix Outriders Detour Quest Bug “Escort Marshal Bailey & her Captive to Trench Town” is a simple quest in Outriders and it left…

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In the World of Outriders, Crafting is important for players to survive, different substances, such as shards, are needed depending on the type of craft. Shards are used to improve the attributes of a weapon or armor piece in particular. Out of the 12 attributes currently available in-game, each piece of equipment that players find will have three attributes. Unlike the other crafting tools, players can only get shards by removing other pieces of equipment.  The catch is that the dismantled piece must have the boosted attribute that players are attempting to obtain on a different piece of gear. This…

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It takes a while for players to figure out mods in Outriders, as it does in most looter shooter games, especially when it comes to understanding Weapon Mods. Players will be able to use any Weapon Mods in Outriders as unlike armor mods, they are not class-specific. Players can carry some serious firepowers to engagements with the help of Weapon Mods in Outriders, just as players can improve their defensive capabilities in-game with the help of armor mods. Some have better stats, while others can reduce the class’ ability cooldown or, better still give the skill new uses. Players can…

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Several players who were looking forward to getting their hands on the new looter shooter this week are facing stuck at the signed-in bug in Outriders. Unfortunately, it prevents players from advancing to the full Outriders game, instead, they get stuck at an endless ‘signed in’ status screen with no way of progressing. Don’t worry if you have run into this issue; we have a temporary solution for this stuck-on sign-in bug right here until it’s permanently fixed. Outriders Signed-in Stuck Fix For PS4 and PS5 The Stuck at signed-in bug appears to be most popular among Playstation 4 and…

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In the newly released Outriders, players are currently experiencing various stuttering and lag issues, so in this guide, we will tell you about some fixes for all of these issues. How To Fix Outriders Lag Issues Try the following fixes to solve the stuttering and lag issues in Outriders. Disable DLSS Disable Ansel Turn off Vsync Enable FPS limit – swap between different rates to see any performance changes. Turn on Controller Configuration – It is recommended by the developers to turn on this even if you don’t have a controller plugged in. Disable Crossplay – Go to the options…

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The developers have recently fixed a bug in outriders that allowed players to farm Legendary gear much faster than intended. Players in Outriders could farm up to ten Legendaries in about an hour by using the Monster Hunt quests. While the hack has been fixed and no longer works, but now the players have found another way to get limitless Legendaries in Outriders. How To Farm Legendaries in Outriders Those players who don’t have Legendary weapon mods may find this trick useful, as this trick allows them to get a few Legendaries that they may not have, or to get…

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There are several quests in Outriders that you can complete and get various rewards. Legacy is a side quest in Outriders which rewards you with a Legendary piece. In this side quest, you will have to search for Sarah Tanner in the Forest and that is where you get lost. The ‘Search for Sarah Tanner in the Forest’ marker doesn’t appear on the map. So in this guide, we will help you in searching for Sarah Tanner in the Forest in Outriders. How To Complete Search For Sarah Tanner in the Forest Quest in Outriders In Outriders, to complete the…

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In Outriders some players have been seeing an error message “Couldn’t connect to servers”.  This error is blocking their access to the game by preventing them from playing with the affected character. It’s a horrible issue, and those who have dealt with it are extremely upset. In this guide, we will help you to solve this server communication error – couldn’t connect to servers in Outriders. Outriders Server Communication Error Fix Unfortunately, you only have two choices at this point: you can wait for the developers to fix the problem or create a new character. You can do nothing to…

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