Spelunky 2 Update 1.19 Patch Today On December 23 Details

Spelunky 2 has been updated to version 1.19 implementing a huge number of bug fixes as mentioned in the patch notes for the game.

The new update for Spelunky 2 is available now for PS4. This update brings in a ton of fixes and improvements to the general user experience. Get the patch notes below.

Spelunky 2 Update 1.19 Patch Notes

Following changes have been done:
* The second jump of mounts can now be shortened if the player releases the jump button
* Fixed stomp’s jumping speed after Vlad’s cape double jump
* Fixed issue where hanging on a ledge would prevent the player from correctly stomping on an enemy that was nearby
* Previous grace period that prevented players from collecting gold right after using a door now only applies while on the door tile. This prevents regular-run players from constantly missing gold while giving nogold-run players still the chance to dodge it
* Wooden shields no longer push stuff inside walls and will now correctly break when trying to crush things other than critters, small gold nuggets, pots, skulls, mosquitoes and leaf-like entities
* Hard boss’ portal bounds will now increase progressively along with the visuals
* Slightly increased portal visuals’ size to better match its physical range
* Fixed issue where Olmec was sometimes breaking floor tiles that it was only barely scratching
* Fixed previous physics fix oversight (should now make incorrect crush hopefully less common)
* Quicksand will now cancel the pitcher’s mitt effect on thrown entities
* Fixed paste bomb’s gravity when it has been thrown by the pitcher’s mitt and the attached-to entity disappears
* Camera can no longer flash entities that are inside pipes
* Pushing the bear trap’s gold nugget away (by using a shield, pushblock, etc.) now correctly detaches it from the trap
* Prevented players from grabbing Excalibur from other players’ hands
* Reduced invulnerability frames for monsters after being damaged by firebug’s fire
* Fixed more cases where the player was being unfairly blamed by a shopkeeper
* Player-activated robots will now enrage vendors if they explode inside a shop
* Vendors will now anger if you whip out of the shop bomb bags and bomb boxes
* Fixed certain crown teleport when the player is on a pipe
* Prevented robots from being poisoned or cursed
* Lava will now destroy floating orbs
* Fixed issue when players dismounted from a ride while entering pipes
* Prevented Hoverpack from being activated when it is not equipped
* Fixed hermit crab’s shape on being stunned or dead while hiding or emerging (fixes issue where crab became undamageable)
* Improved performance in the base camp
* Slight “Low visual effects” performance improvement
* Fixed Qilin state on spawning on a tight space
* Prevented players from receiving fall damage after being slowed down by the water
* Fixed velocity reset of equippables on desale
* Dice shops will no longer reward previously rewarded items
* Prevented golden keys from spawning inside shops
* Fixed issue where using a certain ship could sometimes make players pick treasure up accidentally
* Prevented clone gun shot from cloning leaf-like entities
* Idols can now be deposited in some special world’s doors
* Loading the light arrow on a bow will now unlock the arrow’s journal entrance
* Hired Hands will now detect nearby paste bombs
* Fixed Hired Hands’ door usage when there was a rope in front of the door
* Prevented Hired Hands from fighting crabmen
* Prevented Hired Hands from performing ledge-flips if they have any held item
* Hired Hands will now try to wait outside shops
* Prevented Arena AI from considering some useless pickups
* Prevented Arena’s AI from getting stuck on picking up continuously any two different equippables
* Prevented AI from trying to pick up an already equipped backpack
* Brightness now only affects ingame, fixing the issue where certain UI elements were unreadable on extreme brightness values (currently shows no change on the settings menu)
* Fixed lamp fire state on carrying it to the next level
* Added proper rubble to the different coffin styles when they break or open
* Added special player coop coffin’s style to a certain theme
* Fixed ice caves player coop coffin using the wrong sprite
* Fixed issue where coop coffins could sometimes not appear in certain levels
* Fixed level generation issue that could sometimes block a forcefield tile
* Fixed sleep bubble’s depth
* Fixed issue where some things could still interact while the game was paused
* Fixed Waddler’s enragement message
* Fixed bomb soot culling issue
* Fixed issue where dead wet monsters would never seem to dry
* Fixed weird shadow on attacking while sitting on a base camp’s chair
* Fixed issue where the arena music was stopping and restarting when going to Options
* Angered vendor music will no longer stop when opening the options menu
* Profile “last game played” stickers are now correctly filled when beating the game
* Fixed some blocked paths
* Removed artifacts from various images
* Fixed Spanish text typo
* Tweaked top edge floor decoration in Dwelling/Ice Caves
* Added missing black border to power pack in items.png and journal_entry_items.png
* Removed artifacts from ushabti and added further decoration to jade ushabti to differentiate it from gold ushabti
* Made journal ushabti match in-game ushabti
* Removed ring from single frame of Beg
* Polished Online Menu graphics
* Removed artifact from Yang’s idle frame
* Removed minor artifact from Base Camp chair
* Removed minor artifact from side of Layer 2 door
* Added Tide Pool spikes rubble
* Darkened shop price background
* Fixed sliding wall ceiling rubble in CoG
* Fixed glitch when Olmec’s UFOs try to spawn inside walls
* Fixed pipe detection
* Fixed shop tiles’ flag reset when the vendor dies
* Increased sword-like weapons’ hitbox
* Minor improvements to stomp detection
* Fixed case where vendors were not enraging on being killed while frozen
* Fixed case where a player was receiving falling damage after riding a mount
* Falling platforms should now be a lot less likely to crush items when falling
* The second jump of Axolotl can now be shortened if the player releases the jump button
* Prevented vendors and NPCs from widening without limits on receiving damage continuously
* Player will now correctly stomp while hanging from a falling platform or any other floor
* Fixed issue where mounted players could still toss bombs and ropes while inside pipes
* Prevented vendors from blaming players when they die due to spikes, lava, or thorn vines
* Prevented merchant from angering when she is dead and the player sneaks into the challenge
* Fixed another case where the player was receiving falling damage after being slowed down by the water.
* Fixed issue where large spear traps could spawn immediately to the left of arrow traps, rendering the last one almost useless
* Fixed case where Olmec could get stuck to a wall in his second phase
* Fixed glitch when Olmec’s UFOs try to spawn inside walls
* Fixed issue where mounted players could still toss bombs and ropes while inside pipes
* Falling platforms should now be a lot less likely to crush items when falling
* Prevented vendors from enraging on breaking a shop tile if they are already dead
* Prevented merchant from angering when she is dead and the player sneaks into a challenge
* Fixed case where vendors were not enraging on being killed while frozen
* Prevented vendors and NPCs from widening without limits on receiving damage continuously
* Prevented vendors from blaming players when they die due to spikes, lava, or thorn vines
* Increased sword-like weapons’ hitbox
* The second jump of Axolotl can now be shortened if the player releases the jump button
* Player will now correctly stomp while hanging from a falling platform or any other floor
* Fixed another case where the player was receiving falling damage after being slowed down by the water
* Fixed case where a player was receiving falling damage after riding a mount
* Fixed case where a revived player that died while being cursed was being revived with one HP
* Fixed mole state on being flashed when is about to dig
* Prevented revived sorceress from immediately attacking after reviving if she had died on attack mode
* Fixed gravity for pitcher’s mitt thrown entities on whipping them
* Parachute will now disable if the player goes underwater or enters into quicksand
* Fixed door transition when a non-cursed player is crossing a ghist’s door and the cursed player dies
* Fixed money recount when a Hired Hand deposits the idol on a door
* Fixed grub state on being blown up by a player ghost
* Fixed axolotl buoyancy when it is stunned, killed, or frozen
* Fixed issue where large spear traps could spawn immediately to the left of arrow traps, rendering the last one almost useless
* Prevented unlockable characters from unlocking in the journal when the player is killed by a mate on an online game
* Tikimen can now pick up torches
* Fixed player state on being stunned by a sticky trap while riding a mount
* Prevented buyer player from auto picking up a bought power up when he has already had it (in multiplayer)
* Added special message from certain King to certain playable character
* Added special message from certain thief to certain playable character
* Added “Cheater” message on rolling the same die twice
* Prevented ankh from triggering during the tunnel
* Added some items in the settings menu to preview the brightness setting
* Fixed sliding wall ceiling rubble in certain world
* Added custom rubble to Tide Pool spikes
* Fixed Imp’s pot-holding animation
* Fixed numerous little artifacts, glitches, mispositioned sprites, etc., in the textures
* Added further decoration to jade ushabti to differentiate it from gold ushabti
* Darkened shop price background
* Fixed more blocked paths
* Fixed crash on carrying a gold monkey through any portal
* Fixed crash when a challenge appeared on the same level as a two-floored store (yesterday’s daily challenge crash in Volcana)
* The merchant will now enrage if a player wearing the true crown teleports into her shop
* Slightly reduced the stun time of the falling platform
* Fixed bow-like weapons’ ammo on being cloned
* Fixed torch flames state on being cloned
* Fixed dice number on being cloned
* Prevented eggsac from being cloned
* Entrance lasers of the Sun Challenge will now re-enable if the player doesn’t survive
* Added a new option to disable bright flashes
* Added back cross-play view in leaderboards
* Fixed blocked paths related to player coffins in Volcana
* Fixed shopkeeper Earl’s name
* Multiple system refactors with performance immprovements
* Online rework, including but not limited to:
* Fixed time drifting issues in some PS4‚Ñ¢ systems
* Fixed slow-downs when playing some levels with many particles such as the normal final boss level
* Fixed a few issues that could happen with textboxes when playing online
* Reduced memory usage during rollback
* Added sound when a player joins the online game
* Fixed a disconnection error when playing online
* Fixed a potential crash in Yama while playing online
* Reduced chance of a sound effect to play twice while playing online
* Fixed an online crash that usually happened at the start of a level
* Fixed a desync that could happen when a player had no screenshake
* Fixed crash that happened after doing multiple online sessions in the same execution
* Fixed a crash that could happen when water evaporates while playing online
* Fixed a crash that could happen when using conveyor belts while playing online
* Fixed a crash that happened often when humanoids followed a player playing online
* Fixed a crash when players leave or disconnect from an online match during the tunnel
* Fixed ink splat rendering in online multiplayer
* Fixed a softlock when finishing an online multiplayer run
* Fixed crash when a secondary player carried a gold monkey through the ending (in both local coop and online coop)
* Allowed controller auto-assignment using any button in the menus, which fixes the controller not being detected in the lobby scene
* Fixed pause menu in the online mode after opening it and closing it with the Resume option
* Fixed input mapping to the wrong player for online players nº2, 3 & 4
* Fixed case where a player could control a character and a ghost at the same time after reviving from a coffin
* Deployed more servers (available in 28 worldwide locations mainly in North America / Europe but also including Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, S√£o Paulo and Eastern Russia)

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