Jurassic World Evolution 2 Update 1.13 Patch Notes: What’s New In September 15 Update

Jurassic World Evolution 2 update 1.13 is out now for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC. You can get the complete patch notes here.

This patch brings in new content with the Late Cretaceous Pack. There are plenty of bug fixes implemented in the update including fixes for the Dominion Biosyn expansion among other changes. You can learn more about the update with the patch notes shared below.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 Update 1.13 Patch Notes

DLC 4 –  “Late Cretaceous Pack”
Prehistoric Species
  • 4 x New Species
    • Flying Reptile
      • Barbaridactylus
    • Dinosaurs
      • Alamosaurus
      • Australovenator
    • Marine Reptile
      • Styxosaurus
Park Teams
  • Added the ability to wake up tranquillised dinosaurs using the new “Stimulant Dart” either directly or through task assignment
  • Added the ability to manually take control of an aviary or lagoon drone from the aviary or lagoon hatcheries. Manually perform tasks such as:
    • Tranquillise
    • Stimulate
    • Medicate
    • Feeder Resupply
    • Photos
    • Medical and Welfare Scans

Dinosaur Behaviours

  • Capture Team helicopters can now be attacked by flying reptiles
    • Certain escaped flying reptiles will now attack Capture Teams
      • Cearadactylus
      • Geosternbergia
      • Maaradactylus
      • Pteranodon
      • Tropeognathus
      • Quetzalcoatlus
    • Capture Teams now show a condition bar
    • Destroyed Capture Teams need to have replacement teams purchased
  • Marine reptiles will now attack lagoon walls when uncomfortable and can become injured


  • Added the ability to change the colour of certain lights within certain Decorations with a new Lighting tab within the Decorations panel
    • New subsection containing all the decorations with editable lights in a single place
    • Added “Edit Light Colour” mode that allows you to click and paint lights within the level quickly
      • The game will swap over to night time setting while in this mode, to aid light colour changes
  • Added land-based decorations
    • 4 x Jurassic Park Banners (JP)
    • 1 x Jurassic Park Light (JP)
    • 1 x Spinosaurus Sign (JP)
    • 1 x Toilet (JP)
  • Added ability to attach decorations to the edges of all lagoons and added the following decorations
    • 1 x Lagoon Fountain (All)
    • 2 x Lagoon Planters (All)
    • 1 x Lagoon Jurassic Park Banner (JP)
    • 1 x Lagoon Jurassic Park Pillars (JP)
    • 2 x Lagoon Jurassic World Sails (JW)
  • Added ability to attach decorations to the bottom of all lagoons and added the following decorations
    • 2 x Lagoon Cages (All)
    • 4 x Lagoon Lights (All)
    • 5 x Lagoon Rocks (All)
    • 2 x Lagoon Boats (All)
    • 2 x Lagoon Thermal Vents (All)
    • 5 x Lagoon Coral (All)
    • 1 x Indominus Rex Skeleton (All)
  • Added amenity and attraction building decorations
    • 3 x Planters
    • 1 x Amber Planter
    • 2 x Fountains
    • 1 x Pole
    • 1 x Jurassic Park Pillar
Capture Mode
  • Added additional overlay options to the Capture Mode filters
    • Added 6 x postcard overlays
    • Added 4 x stamp overlays
Quality of Life Updates
  • Cameras
    • Game camera can now be moved into the water of lagoons
  • Lagoons
    • Adjusted the clarity/transparency of the lagoon water
  • Buildings
    • Adjusted the clarity of the lagoon viewing stands glass so you can see more into the lagoon water
    • Added the ability to toggle between multiple viewing points on guest buildings
      • Added viewing points to the Amphitheatre building
    • Added option to hide the UI when in Guest Views
  • Park Teams
    • When one dinosaur is welfare scanned by a Ranger Team, it will now also scan all dinosaurs in its territory and all dinosaurs in cohabiting/shared territories
    • Made it possible to re-open a park tour by assigning a Ranger Team to any building connected to its tour network, instead of just a single building
  • Tours
    • Allow tours to be connected in either direction
    • Players can now choose the travel direction of their tours
    • Show the tour travel direction on the track
  • Dinosaurs
    • Readjusted the scale of the Jurassic Park 3 Pteranodon
    • Optimised and reduced the cost of feathered species for the Species Limit on PS4 and Xbox One consoles
    • Enable marine reptiles’ status icons to be visible underwater
  • Dinosaur Behaviours
    • Dinosaurs have an extra chance to gain certain traits in biomes with extreme climates.
      • In Alpine and Taiga biomes, dinosaurs are more likely to gain the Hungry trait.
      • In Desert biomes, dinosaurs are more likely to gain the Thirsty trait.
    • Cohabitation Balance
      • Added a Likes relationship between Hadrosaurid and Ceratopsids
      • Added a Likes relationship between Ornithomimosaurids and Ceratopsids
      • Ceratopsids can now cohabit with other Ceratopsids, with certain exceptions
        • Triceratops can’t cohabit with Styracosaurus, Torosaurus or Sinoceratops
        • Torosaurus can’t cohabit with Styracosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus or Sinoceratops
        • Styracosaurus can’t cohabit with Sinoceratops
        • Sinoceratops can’t cohabit with Pachyrhinosaurus
        • Nasutoceratops can’t cohabit with Chasmosaurus or Pentaceratops
        • Chasmosaurus can’t cohabit with Pentaceratops
      • Territories now decay quicker in cases where the area is not desirable, or overlaps other disliked territories, or the territory is over the size it needs to be.
    • When two dinosaurs fight over territory overlap, remove the territory of the loser around where the fight happens
    • Marine Reptile territory stats will now decay slightly slower
    • Allow dinosaurs that don’t fight their own species to choose a new Alpha or Herd Leader using social interactions rather than combat
    • Make flying reptiles regain stamina when eating and drinking
  • Sandbox Mode
    • Redesigned the Sandbox Settings so it’s more readable
    • Custom settings now are saved between sessions
    • Added the ability to create negative Traits when Gene Editing
    • Added the ability to have infinite Traits when Gene Editing
    • Added the ability to have infinite Trait points when Gene Editing
    • Added new Cohabitation Sandbox Setting with settings for Normal, All Like or No Dislike
    • Added new Instant Construction/Destruction Setting
    • Added new Infinite Candidate Refreshes setting
    • Prevent the “Dinosaur Combat Frequency” setting from disabling dinosaurs hunting guests
  • Challenge Mode
    • Blocked deletion of Control Centre in Challenge 06
    • Exceeding the Challenge species limit no longer flags the save as requiring a higher spec platform
    • Setup per level save images for Chaos Theory Challenge Mode saves
  • Chaos Theory Mode
    • Return to Isla Nublar – Added fail state to dinosaur scanning stage – all dinosaurs must be kept alive
    • Jurassic World Dominion – Changing button prompt during second wrangling objective to use the correct button
  • Loading Screens
    • Added quotes from Jurassic World Dominion to the loading screen quote pool
  • UI
    • Made Path Capacity and Overcrowding information visible during path placement
    • Made path heatmap information more responsive to changes in the park
    • Added the ability to use right mouse click to back out on the full screen management screens
    • Change the “Missions” title in Management screens to “Missions & Contracts” in some levels
    • Added a “Guest Park Issues” section to the Finances management screen to help guide players to how to improve their parks
    • Display star rating targets on “area locked” icons that are locked by star rating
    • Map icons for buildings, fences and tracks in locked areas now also appear grayed out to further highlight the difference between locked areas and non-locked areas.
    • Added time remaining to next refresh of Scientists in the hiring pool
    • Allow the player to refresh Scientists in the hiring pool
      • Can be used once per financial period
      • Players will need to pay to refresh the pool
    • Added the Scientist name to the task list for Rest tasks
    • Added option to assign scientists to rest directly from the task allocation screen
    • Improved map feedback for blueprint fences
    • Now allow hyphen input when renaming assets
    • Contracts – Changed all profit and revenue contracts to use per minute values, rather than per month.
    • Fixed wrong save image for Sierra Nevada sandbox level
    • Long dinosaur names do not get truncated anymore in the egg select panel
    • Pylon wires blocking construction will now be highlighted with red
  • Accessibility
    • Added an accessibility option to allow for setting a custom HUD background opacity
  • Terrain
    • Now allow terrain editing around destination flares on the landscape
Bug Fixes


  • Sandbox Mode
    • With Infinite Lifespan turned on, removed visible ageing and stamina effects from occurring
    • Washington – Fixed the capture camera not being able to reach the floor
    • Jurassic World – Added Monorail to arrival point building limit list; prevents you from placing additional functioning arrival points
    • Fixed scientist training levels not becoming re-locked when enabling research in sandbox mode
    • Hidden any scientist-related information in building tool-tips when scientists are disabled in sandbox mode
    • Fixed reloading save on Isla Nublar 1993 resetting the colour grade to “Jurassic Park”
  • Challenge Mode
    • Jurassic World/Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom – Changed mission giver to be Cabot Finch
  • Campaign Mode
    • Fixed situation where scientists could have their maximum skill levels increased when being carried over from one campaign level to the next
  • UI
    • Fixed “Demolish” shortcut not being present when building
    • Hidden the Calamity bar when in Gene Editing
    • Fixed the Ranger Team Flare taking priority use of the F key and cannot be rebound by the player
    • Added Antarctica landmass to the Expedition Map and moved the dig site for the Hanson formation
    • Added the Dominion film logo to the Sinoceratops
    • Updated Claire Dearing portrait during the Jurassic World Chaos Theory level
    • Territory along the edge of aviaries better matches the shape of the aviary domes
    • Fixed the Champlain Valley skin variant colour not matching in game colour for Edmontosaurus
    • Hidden Difficulty In Save/Load Island Menus for Sandbox levels
  • Buildings and Decorations
    • Various building art and optimisation improvements
    • Fixed the DFW Emergency Shelter costing half the price of all other Emergency Shelters
    • Fixed DFW era decorations being place-able on Chaos Theory 3
    • Fixed some Jurassic Park buildings having Jurassic World logos on them
    • Fixed being unable to demolish enclosure marker decorations with single demolish tool
  • Dinosaurs
    • Increased the maximum number of transport flares in world at once
    • Fixed comatose dinosaurs waking up when shot with tranquillisation dart
    • Fixed dinosaurs with comatose caused by Hypothermia being woken up when shot by Capture Teams
    • Removed ivy poisoning from triggering outside of specific Chaos Theory levels
    • Fixed multiple disease deaths displaying a different disease to one the dinosaur had
    • Fixed some dinosaurs getting stuck at the end of locomotion or in social interactions
    • Additional fix to keep flying and marine reptiles in their enclosures
    • Fixed flying reptiles getting stuck inside aviary hatcheries when you use multi transport only
    • Adjusted the less vibrant pattern on the Jurassic World Pteranodon
    • Fixed ragdolling dinosaurs interacting with buildings when being winched
  • First Person View
    • Fixed not being able to begin First Person View mode in shallow water
    • After accessing a building from First Person View, fixed the player not being returned to First Person View afterwards if they performed certain actions
  • Guests
    • Fixed guests not avoiding AI-driven gyrospheres
  • Jurassic World Database
    • Fixed Tylosaurus having incorrect diet information
    • Added JWDB image for comfort gene mod
  • Park Teams and Tours
    • Fixed helicopters when transporting multiple dinosaurs clipping into each other
    • Fixed Jurassic Tour vehicles spawning off to the side of the track and becoming stuck
  • Species Viewer
    • Fixed Wuerhosaurus and Kentrosaurus Camp Cretaceous variants pose issues in the Species Viewer
  • Environments
    • Fixed grass flickering unnaturally
  • Localisation
    • Fixed translations for Korean, French, Italian, Russian, German, and Mexican Spanish according to players’ feedback.
    • Fixed mismatches between audio and subtitles
    • Various localisation issues fixed across 13 languages
  • Misc
    • Various stability issues fixed
    • Various optimisations
    • Various text issues fixed
Dominion Biosyn Expansion Features

Added additional amenity and attraction building decorations

  • 1 x Biosyn Lights
  • 1 x Biosyn Fountains
  • 1 x Biosyn Sculptures
Dominion Biosyn Expansion
Quality of Life Updates
  • Campaign
    • Added prompt text to tell the player they need 100% genome for feathered dinosaur species
Dominion Biosyn Expansion Bug Fixes
  • UI
    • Fixed “Demolish” shortcut not being present when building the Hyperloop
    • Fixed Hatchery Upgrades research in Biosyn campaign not granting additional upgrade slot
    • Fixed missing Quetzalcoatlus fossil images in expedition map
  • Campaign
    • Fixed Scorched Earth building area being expanded around the Biosyn HQ
  • Decorations
    • Rustler defence decorations can now be placed on paths
  • Chaos Theory
    • Jurassic World Dominion – Removed ‘Swallowed Phone’ from the list of injuries available so that we don’t get the odd instance of a live captured Compsognathus having it
  • Challenge/Sandbox Mode
    • Reduced number of Therezinosaurus & Dimetrodon fossils as some were left over after getting to 100% genome
  • Jurassic World Database
    • Fixed Therizinosaurus length discrepancy
  • Dinosaurs
    • Fixed Therizinosaurus missing fight animations with some opponents
    • Fixed some carnivores becoming stuck when group attacking the Giganotosaurus 2022 variant
    • Updated the Dimetrodon’s cohabitation list
      • Likes:
        • Hadrosaurids
        • Ornithomimosaurids
        • Pachycephalosaurids
        • Sauropods
      • Dislikes:
        • Ankylosaurids
        • Ceratopsids
        • Stegosaurids

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