Sword Art Online, the popular anime series, is set to mark its 10th anniversary on 6th October 2023 with a new adventure for Kirito and his friends. Sword Art Online Last Recollection will feature an alternate storyline from the original anime, with the same dark setup of the Underworld War arc and its thrilling action moments while also introducing new characters.
Sword Art Online Last Recollection release is anticipated for the PlayStation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, and is expected to attract a large fan base. In the meantime, fans can watch a music video that retraces the entire story of the Sword Art Online anime and video games series.
In the latest Sword Art Online adventure, players take on the role of Kirito, the protagonist from the anime series, in a bid to save the virtual reality of the Underworld from certain destruction. The Underworld War has pitted the Human Realm against the Dark Territory, with the fate of all on the line.
The game features high-speed battles and MMO-style multiplayer, with over 40 playable characters and multiple unique endings. The story centers around a mysterious dark knight who arrives with a young girl, whose role in the outcome of the war is unknown.
This marks the culmination of the Sword Art Online game series, offering a new story of life never before told. Players will be able to experience the game as if Kirito’s friend Eugeo were alive and present.