Square Enix Wants To Know How Fans Want To See A Chrono Trigger Remake

Square Enix would like to know what sort of a remake of its 1995 role-playing game, Chrono Trigger, fans wish to see.

Speaking during the My Perfect Console podcast with host Simon Parkin (via), Chrono Trigger director Yoshinori Kitase asked the host and fans

Kitase described three different routes for a potential Chrono Trigger remake:

A Chrono Trigger remake along the lines of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening certainly sounds compelling, especially for fans who would rather not see the game’s core storytelling and gameplay tampered with. On the other hand, a re-imagining in the vein of  Final Fantasy VII Remake could also have some very enticing prospects. The shift from a turn-based combat system to a party-based real-time combat similar to that of Final Fantasy VII Remake could resonate well with a wider audience.

Kitase currently has his hands full with the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy, but once work on it has been completed, perhaps the development team will work on a Chrono Trigger or even a Final Fantasy VI remake.

The original Chrono Trigger was originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Players assume control of the protagonist and his companions within a two-dimensional world comprising forests, cities, and dungeons. Exploration takes place on an overworld map, offering a scaled-down overhead view of the landscape. Detailed areas such as forests and cities are presented as smaller, realistic maps, allowing players to interact with NPCs for items, services, puzzles, challenges, or encounters with enemies. Chrono Trigger diverged from traditional Japanese RPGs by featuring visible enemies on field maps and initiating battles directly on the map rather than transitioning to a separate battle screen.

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1 comment

Adam February 29, 2024 - 9:05 am
1995 not 1985.

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