The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Empty Bottles and Where To Find Them

An empty bottle expects to have no worth of time and energy in any of the games. But when it comes to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, it requires a strange yet valuable strive to achieve them. It is never easy to get the empty bottles in this game since they are in limited stock and can do wonders that no other item is capable of.

These bottles are used to conserve potions and quest items. On the land of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, there are specifically five empty bottles.

How To Find Empty Bottles In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

This guide will help you to get yourself to these Empty Bottles in no time.


Location: Skyloft – Bazaar.

You can find the first bottle nowhere other than Skyloft, Bazaar. At this point, Zelda goes missing and all you have to do is to rush towards the Bazaar Potion Shop and start chatting with Luv. Seeing you with the potion in bare hands, she being kind enough would grant you the First Empty Bottle.

YAY, Cheers to have it for FREE!


Location: Sealed Temple.

Moving forward, you will reach a point where you’ll meet an old lady resting with pots and a treasure chest with her on the right side of the main stairs. This place of Sealed Grounds has its own level of intensity in the game. After opening the chest, you will be provided with revitalizing potion. Use the potion and BINGO!! You have your Empty Bottle No 2 now.


Location: Island In The Sky.

That was all easy, right? Well, the roller coaster is now going to take its tough and exciting turns. Collecting the rest of the 3 bottles might be Chinese math to solve for many of the players. While finding the 3 Bottle you would have to solve the Side Quest in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.

This side quest starts when Link meets Parrow. While inquiring him he would tell you about his lost sister. And there begins your side quest.

Orielle was going to the Colourful Island called the Fun Fun Island. This Island is small and round and usually appears as green on the map. Now she is stuck somewhere in between Skyloft and Fun Fun Island because of her injured Loftwing. After you find her, get back to the Skyloft and let Parrow know about the reason for her missing sister. He would then give the Mushroom Spores medicine for his sister’s Loftwing.

As soon as you apply for the medicine, that would leave the bottle empty and EUREKA !! ANOTHER EMPTY BOTTLE GAINED in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.


Location: Fire Sanctuary.

In search of Empty Bottle Number 4, you have to go inside the Fire Sanctuary to get Mitts. After getting the Mogma Mitts, head towards the first room where you had fought with the Magmanos. With the help of the Mitts, dig the area to get to the water plant. You have to use this water plant to get done with the Magmanos. That would lead away to the chest where you would get your Empty Bottle Number 4.

Location: The Thunderhead.

For the final bottle, you must discover the Goddess Cube which can be found in the Thunderhead’s Western Segment. This area would be shown on the in-game map. The Goddess Cube may also be found within the Fire Sanctuary or maybe in the room of the Fire Dragon. To get to the chest, you must bury through a hole on the Island and enter a locked area. There you have to climb a set of vines to reach out to the chest.

Open that final Chest and get your FINAL EMPTY BOTTLE in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.

That’s everything that you need to know about the empty bottles in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.

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