In this guide, we are going to guide you with all the best heavy build, weapons, and gadgets that players can equip in The Finals.
The surprise launch of The Finals has stunned players with its sudden release. The game has come up with three of its unique builds, out of which the Heavy Build stands out.
Here, we will take you on how to get the best of the weapons, and gadgets and make the heavy build-in the game.
Best Heavy Build In The Finals:
For the best Heavy Build Loadout, players need the following things:
The Weapon should be Lewis Gun or Sledgehammer And for the Gadgets you need Pyro Grenade, RPG-7, and Goo Grenade. The Specialization should be Charge ‘N’ Slam or Mesh Shield. For the Reserve loadout, it should have Flamethrower, Dome Shield, Pyro Mine, and C4.
Best Heavy Weapon In The Finals:
In The Finals, the best heavy weapon to be considered is the Lewis Gun. The reload speed of this gun is quite low, but that doesn’t matter much. That is because, its magazine size of 47 bullets and a balance in accuracy, damage, fire rate, and range compensate for that.
Best Heavy Build Gadgets In The Finals:
For the Gadgets in The Finals, it is better to go for the Pyro Grenade, RPG-7, and Goo Grenade. These gadgets are going to serve as your best pals. Players need to combine the RPG-7 with the Pyro Grenade to wreck enemies aiming for your Cashout. Just imagine the chaos you can cause by using these explosive gadgets on a whole squad.
That’s all players need to build for their Heavy Build, weapon, and gadgets in The Finals.