Sons Of The Forest – How To Drop Items Explained

Learn how to drop items from your inventory in Sons of the Forest with this comprehensive guide. Discover the different methods for dropping items, including the use of buttons on your keyboard or gamepad, and the dynamics of the game for each item.

Sons of the Forest is a survival game where players have to endure and fight against mutants on an island. If you are new to the game and wondering how to drop items from your inventory, this guide will help you.

How To Drop Items In Sons of the Forest

Firstly, it is important to note that dropping items is not a straightforward process in Sons of the Forest. Players cannot simply drop their items unless they use, combine, or eat them from their inventory. However, there are two buttons that players might not know about: the G button on the keyboard and the B button on the Xbox gamepad. These buttons are used to drop items, but they may not always work in the way you expect.

For example, if you are carrying a log and you want to drop it, you can press either G or B. However, if the log fits in your inventory, you can only unequip it, not drop it. This means that you’ll need to either use or combine the log with other items to get it out of your inventory.

The dynamics of the game are different for different items. For instance, if you have an axe, you can unequip it, but you won’t be able to unequip the GPS map. To drop the GPS map, you would have to press the M button. This means that dropping items from your inventory can be a little complicated, and you’ll need to use different methods depending on the item.

In summary, the only way to drop items from your inventory in Sons of the Forest is to use them, combine them, or eat them. The G button on the keyboard and the B button on the Xbox gamepad may be useful for dropping certain items, but they may not work for all items. Remember to pay attention to the dynamics of the game for each item, and find the appropriate method to remove it from your inventory.

Check out more guides for Sons of the Forest

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