Rainbow Six Extraction Tips and Tricks For Beginners

If you are just starting Rainbow Six Extraction, you might be looking for some tips and tricks to help beginners. Get all of it in this guide.

This article contains all the tips that would help you against the Archaeon threat so make sure you stay with us till the end of it. Where you aim for shooting and running, the game asks you more for secrecy and schemes. These tips are surely going to help you stay strong in the game.

Tips and Tricks for Rainbow Six Extraction

Don’t Scratch Your Head With Every Objective And Sub-Zone:

In Rainbow Six Extraction, there are three Sub-Zones in every incursion with an objective. You can easily find the objectives according to your skills and the ability of your squad. You can rush to the airlock and jump to another Sub-Zone if you don’t like the current objective without even getting a penalty. Make sure it’s open otherwise you won’t be able to go back if the airlock is closed. Similarly, you can bail out of any three Sub-Zone incursions by activating the Extraction Point.

There is no promising safety In Airlocks:

Airlock works as a passage between Sub-Zone of an incursion. It is not the case, that they would be a safer place for you to take a rest on. Threats are lingering in these areas so every time you enter into these places make sure that you are cautious of the danger. After the area is cleared up, assure that all the operators are kept inside the airlocks before the time ends.

Use Stealth:

Stealth must be your priority to proceed in the game. Sending drones to take notice of the enemies will keep you on the safe side. Drones will help you tag the enemies so you can use silenced guns to take them down. Even if the Archaeon spots you, you need to hunt them down quickly so it doesn’t get a chance to call for their backup.

Remove Sprawl:

Sprawl acts as a threat to your movement. When it is released on the ground it will slow your pace and would help the Archaeons. You need to use explosives or rapid hits against the enemies’ nest to destroy them and hampers the amount of sprawl produced by the Archaeons.

Look for the Hazards around you:

As you are progressing through the journey, look out for the environmental hazards that are aiming to obstruct your way. Poisonous gas is usually released by an enemy with a green glow so you better stay cautious of them. Try to abolish them from a distance.

Take care of your Squadmates:

When your squadmates go to the danger zone of being Down But Not Out you need to rush towards them and revive them as soon as you can. While rescuing your squadmates, take care of the nearby enemy holes, so you don’t get the damage while helping the mates.

Knockouts are useful for one-hit-kill

Attacking the enemies in secrecy is going to help you a lot. Go around the enemy area silently and try to kill them with one hit. Even if they detect your presence around them, make sure to use smoke grenades to baffle them. Use this strategy against the Elite Archaeons to buzz them off.

Destroy Enemies Nest:

Grubbing up the Enemies Nest will stop them to spawn. It is better to look for their spawning Nests and destroy them at the earliest to stop them from spreading.

Maximize your XP:

You can maximize your XP by completing the three mission objectives and by completing the Studies for each region. The mission rewards for the three Studies are approximately higher than those of the objectives. This means focusing on completing the Studies more quickly as compared to objectives to maximize your XP.

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