Rainbow Six Extraction Rooter Weak Point and How To Kill

There are many enemies to defeat in Rainbow Six Extraction, and one of these is Rooter. Find out how you can kill it in the game.

In Rainbow Six Extraction, The Rooter is the first Archaean. You will find it in the game with some teleporting powers. Once you get a shot at their health points, they’ll teleport themselves to dodge your attacks while deploying projectiles at you. If you are confused about how to take them down, then we have covered it for you here.

How To Kill Rooter and What Is Its Weak Point In Rainbow Six Extraction

It is always better that you are not targeted towards their sticky traps or else you’ll be unable to move and will be eaten away by other monsters. As soon as Rooter sees you, they will shoot pesky projectiles that would be in the form of coral spikes. These coral spikes will entangle you in its nest causing you to obstruct your movement and then attack you. Be cautious when it raises its arms because that is when it going to deploy some powerful attacks at you. However, the weak point at the moment will be when their ability is activated. It is always better to get behind it, look for your target, and attack. Try to attack Rooter, before it gets a chance to ambush you.

This is how you can kill The Rooter in Rainbow Six Extraction.

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