If you are new to the world of Horizon Forbidden West, you might be wondering if it is possible to lock on enemies, block, or parry their attacks.
If you have come here to see if you can block or parry your enemies in Horizon Forbidden West then we have got you some significant information. Blocking an enemy is going to hold your enemy for a while before he deploys an attack at you. This is going to help you with timing and using the best tactics to counterattack your enemy.
Can You Lock On Enemy In Horizon Forbidden West
Lock On In Horizon Forbidden West
There is no way to lock on enemies in Horizon Forbidden West, so you, unfortunately, can’t do it. This was true for Horizon Zero Dawn as well. This also means that you won’t be able to properly block or parry incoming enemy attacks which is unfortunate. But this is how the combat was designed by Guerrilla Games.
Block In Horizon Forbidden West
Blocking an enemy helps players to get a strategy in their mind but does Horizon Forbidden west has something for its players?
Well, unfortunately, you can not block your enemies in Horizon Forbidden West. To block your enemy you need any form of a shield to prevent yourself from the attack but sadly, in Horizon Forbidden West you don’t have any specific kind of aspect. So it is impossible to block during combats since it works differently in Horizon Forbidden West.
But don’t you worry because there are some other dodging tactics such as rolling out yourself from the enemy attacks.
Parry In Horizon Forbidden West?
Aloy has a spear and it is unfortunate for her to use it to parry her enemies. Again we are sad to inform you that you cannot parry your enemies in the Horizon Forbidden West.
How can you eliminate the enemies in Horizon Forbidden West?
Well, even if you can’t block or parry your enemies in the game, still you have got some other insanely interesting method to eliminate your enemies from your way. Other mechanisms such as rolling out from the side of the enemy’s attack.
Secondly, using ranged weapons will also help you get rid of your enemy’s attack. You can also sprint them away.
This is how you can dodge your enemy’s attack in Horizon Forbidden West.