Atomic Heart is an immense RPG game that revolves around the Utopian World which is taken over by robots. This world was once ruled by humans who have been thrown away by mysterious machines and robots. Since the game is massive and offers plenty of missions, battles, and side hustles of quests, players desire to save their progress and their upgraded weapons.
In this article, we will instruct you on how to save the game and upgrade to Atomic Heart.
How To Save And Upgrade In Atomic Heart:
As you start the game, you will discover different spots where you can save and upgrade the game. We have listed all the locations down below for saving your game:
Save Rooms:
- As you start playing chapter 4 of the game, you will realize that there is no certain option for saving your data manually
- However, as you keep moving through the chapter the game will automatically be saving your progress through the checkpoints that you would not notice
- As you enter Facility 3826, you will see save rooms that will allow you to save your game manually
Save Station:
- Once you are in a room with a save station, go near it, and press R1/RB
- This will let players gather the loot from the container
- The game will be automatically saved
Vending Machines:
- Players will encounter some Vending Machines known as NORA
- These vending machines can be found in the save rooms at each level of the game
- You can interact with the Vending Machine by pressing R1/ RB to save the game
Because of these Vending Machines, players can now upgrade their P-3’s skill weapons. These upgrades will ask players to use neuropolymers while interacting with the machines. You will be given dialogue options and you have to make a wiser choice for it.
Atomic Heart is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One Series X and Series S, and PC.