In this article, Know about what to do with the choice of hiding the tech crate and fine for llama in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
While on a spaceship Gomora is telling perter to get rid of the creature (Ilama) because if it stays in a spaceship they all will end up in prison so she is gravely concerned about it. Another thing that bugs her is she thinks it will spread Zefron’s disease because this farm animal can be a biohazard.
Drax says he will eject Ilama into space but Star-Lord opposes it because they will appear suspicious if they dispose of it like this.
When they send Drax to hide the creature, he comes in a little while carrying Illegal Tech Items in a crate to which all crew shows surprise.
Should You Hide Llama or Tech Crate In Guardians of the Galaxy
Now there is a space for only one thing to hide in a compartment so it’s time to choose either Ilama or Rocket’s Crate, with significant consequences.
Hiding Space Ilama Charges: 7,000 unit fine
Hiding Illegal Tech Charges: 8,000 unit fine
All of these fines will be paid to ko-Rel
Somehow Star–lord will prefer hiding the illegal tech crate because it is a more valuable asset.
Finally, all crew members will agree with Star-Lord to check their quarters to find spare units to pay 8,000 to Ko-Rel.