F1 22 Mexico Setup For Dry and Wet Conditions: Suspension, Aerodynamic, Brake, and Tyre

Learn all about the Wet and Dry conditions in F1 22 for the Mexico Setup. Get the details in this guide to become a champion.

In this article, we will show you how to set up your F1 22 Mexico for both dry and wet situations. Many races have taken place on this track since it is both enjoyable and speedy. When creating the F1 22 Mexico Setup, certain details must be considered, such as long, straight paths, corners that are quick and stable, and, finally, a technical stadium.

What Is The Best Mexico Setup For F1 22

Aerodynamic Setup:

  • Make a strong front end for your downforce vehicle.
  • Make your front aero somewhat higher than your rear aero.
  • The first sector must travel at a medium speed of 90, the second sector will become more steady as you do several quick sharp bends, and the last sector will consist of gradual turns.
  • Keeping the front aero higher will aid in maintaining front responsiveness.

Differential Setup:

  • Your primary focus must be on the rear to keep your car’s speed limited and controlled.
  • The slower corners of the track necessitate rear traction.
  • Reduce your on-throttle differential setting to compensate for tyre wear.
  • Additionally, decreasing the off-throttle differential arrangement will allow your vehicle to rotate more readily.

Mexico Suspension Setup:

  • The Mexico F1 22 track looks to be a touch too smooth for tyre wear.
  • This aids in the development of high suspension geometry.
  • Your car will become more responsive if you raise the toe.
  • It will provide more accurate steering inputs.
  • Suspension will assist you in dealing with the kerbs. Because they are so popular in Mexico.

Brake and Tyre Setup:

  • There are various hard braking zones in Mexico’s design.
    Because you will be travelling at a high speed, the first bend will necessitate a hard braking.
    As a result, boost your brake pressure to 100%.
    On the Mexico Track, balance brake bias is preferable.
    Keep your tyre pressure balanced during the lap due to tyre dehydration.

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