Deathloop Search for Clues and How To Complete Devouring of the Lamb

You will have to search for clues in Deathloop during the devouring of the lamb mission. Find out about it in this guide.

In Deathloop, you will confront a challenge in the Visionary lead that generally appears to be an easy one but when practically performed it becomes complicated. In this challenge, you have to make Aleksis reveal his real identity in Masquerade Party in Updaam but the problem is that everyone’s wearing the same mask. The challenge is known as Devouring Of The Lambs. It is when things get tougher to differentiate between other players and Aleksis.

How To Search For Clues In Deathloop and Identity Aleksis

First, you have to unlock this mission. It will be unlocked right after you loo a safe in an apartment in the Updaam district. Try to do it after accomplishing the Ubiquity Mission because that will allow you to use Residuum to keep your weapons and abilities saved. The safe, that you’ll loot will discover a document that will contain all the necessary documents of the 8 visionaries.

Reach to the castle where the Masquerade Party is happening but make sure you choose to go through the areas of the wall because the main walkthrough will be guarded by heavy security so that can put your life at stake.

How To Identify Aleksis:

Going through the walls will end you up in a room. Try to interact with all the objects you see in the area. Leave the room through a picture and take two sharp rights to reach the stairs.

Take the stairs and go to the upper story of the castle. Keep on going until you see a door on your left. You will now be at the position where the party room will be right below you. You will get a sight to kill Aleksis but as everyone is wearing the same mask, you won’t be able to identify who the Aleksis is and you don’t want to kill the wrong person indeed.

Now start searching for some clues to discover the real Aleksis.

You have to find that one weakness of Aleksis that will make him reveal himself. Start by teleporting yourself to the hanging objects by pressing the shift.Reach out to the Music room.

You will find a puzzle, solving it will unlock you the Aleksis’s favorite melody. Once you play the song, he will surely come forward.

Now go to the second floor. Get inside the Aleksis bathroom. Inside the bathroom, you will find an important document along with a synthesizer that is playing a tune on a loop. The Synthesizer has 4 instrumental settings on it. These include;

  • Drums
  • Base
  • Rhythm
  • Solo.

The tune playing here is one of his favorites so try to learn these settings now.

Leave the bathroom area and teleport yourself to the chandelier. Use your phase ability if not then jump but do take care of the security that is taking rounds. Find the Sound Booth and enter that room.

You are too close to kill Aleksis and complete the Visionary lead. Inside the room, you will find the same synthesizer. You just have to change its settings to play the same tune that you memorize from Aleksis bathroom. As soon the tune starts playing, Aleksis will ultimately come forwards dancing on the floor. You can kill him right at that moment.

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