All Endings Explained In Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden

In this article, we will guide the players with all the unlockable endings in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden.

Banishers Ghosts of New Eden offers a variety of paths that players can explore, with each path leading to one of four unique endings. The story primarily revolves around the fate of Antea, who turns into a ghost early on. While both Antea and Red are devastated by her death, they contemplate the possibility of bringing her back to life. However, this goes against the core principles of Banishers, who reject the idea of resurrection and require the sacrifice of multiple living people to achieve it.

All Endings Explained In Banishers – Ghosts Of New Eden:

The Ascend Oath fulfilled ending is considered the best one in the game. In this ending, Red and Antea stay as Banishers and choose to send her to the afterlife once their mission is complete. The heroes will help the colony of New Eden and peacefully allow the spirits of the dead to move on. Afterwards, Red moves on and finds happiness, while never forgetting Antea.

In this Partially Oath Ascend Fulfilling ending, If Red and Antea fail to keep their Ascent oath and Blame too many people, Red will still Ascend Antea but will be haunted by the murders he committed in New Eden. He’ll struggle to move on and will be forever traumatized by the loss of Antea and his crimes.

The Resurrecting Ending requires resurrecting Antea by sacrificing innocent souls encountered during the haunting resolution. Antea and Red commit will continue to consume the life force of others, leaving Red traumatized.

In the last ending of failing the oath, players will fail their oaths to either Resurrect or Ascend Antea and do the opposite of what they swore to do in the cave. When Red fails and Seeker intervenes, Deborah will turn into her Nightmare form and reveal herself as the witch Siridean from another time. Red will be sent back in time to complete his journey again and fulfill his oath.

That’s all about all the endings in Banishers: Ghosts Of The New Eden.

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