Hironobu Sakaguchi, the renowned creator of the Final Fantasy series, recently reflected on a pivotal moment in his career—the decision to shift the popular franchise from Nintendo to PlayStation. In a candid interview (via), Sakaguchi acknowledged the significant role Nintendo played in his early career, specifically the impact of the NES, before humorously admitting that he “cheated” on the company by later partnering with Sony.
Speaking on the subject, Sakaguchi shared, “I really got a huge start from the NES and Nintendo. So, without the NES, none of this would have been possible, but then, you know, I cheated on Nintendo and went to PlayStation.” He explained that while this transition marked a significant change in his professional journey, both Nintendo and Sony played important roles in shaping his career. He highlighted Final Fantasy VI as a cornerstone of his personal and professional development.
The discussion also touched on his recent work on Fantasian, a project originally launched on Apple Arcade. Sakaguchi reflected on the possibility that this game could have been his final contribution to the industry as a game creator. However, he acknowledged a sense of coming full circle as his career reconnected with both Nintendo and Sony, describing the experience as akin to “a high school reunion.”
Additionally, Sakaguchi noted the profound personal milestones he has recently experienced, including becoming a grandfather for the first time. This life event and his reflections on his career and the industry’s evolution have sparked a deep nostalgia for the veteran game designer.
Fantasian Neo Dimension is set to be released for PC and consoles on December 5, 2024. The game was initially developed for Apple Arcade and was later announced to be launched on home consoles and PC. This release will also mark the first time since Sakaguchi left Square Enix that he is working with them again on a new game.